Fatty liver is a small disease that is not serious. Five dangers of fatty liver to be taken seriously!

Therefore, suffering from fatty liver should be targeted treatment, in addition to reasonable use of medication under the guidance of the doctor, but also to develop good habits, in addition to not drinking alcohol, but to find ways to get their weight down, in addition, weight loss should also pay attention to the gradual and orderly manner, to avoid rapid weight loss and lead to the emergence of fatty liver.

Fatty liver is a small disease that is not serious. Five dangers of fatty liver to be taken seriously!

Fatty liver is caused by the accumulation of excess fat in the liver cells. Most people think that fatty liver is a mild liver disease that does not cause harm to the body, but in fact, fatty liver is a disease that should not be underestimated, and if left unchecked, it can cause great harm to the body.

What are the dangers of fatty liver?

1. May cause cirrhosis and liver cancer

After suffering from fatty liver, if left unchecked, a large amount of fat will accumulate in the liver cells, in this way, the patient’s liver cells will be denatured, resulting in necrosis or regeneration of liver cells, which will cause liver fibrosis and cirrhosis over time, and even lead to the emergence of liver cancer in serious cases.

2. It may induce diabetes or aggravate the condition of diabetes.

Fatty liver is often accompanied by metabolic abnormalities, so not only fat metabolism will be a problem, even the sugar metabolism will be seriously affected, when the body’s sugar can not be completely discharged from the body, the blood glucose will rise, and it is very easy to cause diabetes, and if you originally suffer from diabetes, then it may aggravate the condition. In addition, fatty liver will also lead to the decline of liver function, which will damage the health of the gastrointestinal tract and gallbladder, and then make the patient suffer from gallstones or chronic cholecystitis.

3. Triggering high blood pressure and arteriosclerosis

After the lipid metabolism of the patients is abnormal, the triglyceride in the blood will be elevated, so the patients will easily suffer from hyperlipidemia, and when the viscosity of the blood is increasing, the patients may suffer from hypertension and arteriosclerosis. If the alcoholic fatty liver also suffers from coronary heart disease and hypertension, then it is possible to die suddenly because of myocardial infarction.

4. Decrease immunity

When the patient’s liver cells are degenerated or necrotic because of fat accumulation, the immune function of the liver will be reduced, so the immunity of people will be reduced, and the chances of suffering from various diseases will be increased.

5. Life-threatening

Fatty liver in pregnancy is a particularly terrible thing, because, in this particular period of fatty liver, the onset of the speed is particularly fast, so the fat accumulates in the liver cells or other tissues and organs at a very fast speed, the fatality rate is as high as 80%.

There are many causes of fatty liver, such as obesity, regular alcohol consumption, rapid weight loss, diabetes, and so on. Therefore, suffering from fatty liver should be targeted treatment, in addition to reasonable use of medication under the guidance of the doctor, but also to develop good habits, in addition to not drinking alcohol, but to find ways to get their weight down, in addition, weight loss should also pay attention to the gradual and orderly manner, to avoid rapid weight loss and lead to the emergence of fatty liver.

Original article by admin, if reproduced, please cite the source as: https://www.tcmha.com/tcmhealthcare/fatty-liver-is-a-small-disease-that-is-not-serious-five-dangers-of-fatty-liver-to-be-taken-seriously.html

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