Eat spicy can get rid of dampness? About getting rid of dampness have to avoid these 5 common misconceptions!

Eat spicy can get rid of dampness? About getting rid of dampness have to avoid these 5 common misconceptions!

Spring dampness, many people will use a variety of methods to dispel dampness, but dampness is not so easy to get rid of, and there are many different types of dampness, if blindly dispel dampness, the effect may not be ideal, plus many people have misconceptions about dampness, if you do not pay attention to avoid may damage the health of the body, especially the following points, be sure to pay attention.

So what are the common misconceptions about getting rid of dampness?

1, eat spicy can get rid of damp

On eating spicy sweat can dispel dampness, I believe that many people have heard of this statement is more widespread, but in fact, this practice is not ideal, that is, eat spicy food, although it can sweat, but it is not necessarily able to remove dampness, but eat too much chili pepper will stimulate the intestinal tract, causing gastrointestinal discomfort, and even prone to diarrhea and other phenomena, is not conducive to the health of the spleen and stomach.

2, heavy dampness less exercise

There are many people who think they are heavy dampness, the body is relatively weak, you should rest less exercise, heavy dampness should not be less exercise, but should be moderately more exercise, because exercise can relieve stress, can accelerate the discharge of dampness, good for the body. You can choose suitable exercise, such as daily running, swimming or playing Tai Chi, cycling and so on, can promote the body’s blood circulation, conducive to the metabolism of water.

3, only dispel dampness without strengthening the spleen

Now more and more people pay attention to dispel dampness, but only dispel dampness without spleen, the result is that the old dampness away, the new dampness will appear again, in fact, dampness should be dispel dampness and spleen at the same time, because dispel dampness can enhance the function of the spleen, and spleen can make it easier to dispel dampness, so only the two at the same time, in order to produce a good circulation effect.

4, dampness heavy drink damp tea

In terms of dispelling dampness some people think that dampness is heavy directly drink dispel damp tea can dispel body dampness, but dispel damp tea is not suitable for everyone, because each person’s physique is different, if you blindly drink dispel damp tea, will damage yang, aggravate cold dampness, and even affect the function of the spleen and stomach.

5, swimming will aggravate dampness

Some people think that heavy dampness can not swim, swimming will aggravate dampness, in fact, this is wrong, swimming belongs to a whole body aerobic exercise, moderate swimming can promote the body’s blood circulation, is conducive to the body’s water metabolism, so it helps dampness discharge.

In addition, there are some people who believe that heavy dampness can not drink too much water, this perception is also wrong, moderate daily drinking water, often go to the toilet, the body inside the toxins and garbage out of the body, help the body to drain dampness, so you can not drink less water because of heavy dampness, but properly drink more water has benefits.

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