Chinese medicine half an hour after meals, drinking Chinese medicine pay attention to the six taboos

As the saying goes, “Good medicine is bitter to drink, but good for the disease”, and this is what “Chinese medicine” is all about. Chinese medicine has a lot of tonic effects, but when is the best time to drink Chinese medicine? What are the contraindications of drinking Chinese medicine?

Chinese medicine half an hour after meals, drinking Chinese medicine pay attention to the six taboos

As the saying goes, “Good medicine is bitter to drink, but good for the disease”, and this is what “Chinese medicine” is all about. Chinese medicine has a lot of tonic effects, but when is the best time to drink Chinese medicine? What are the contraindications of drinking Chinese medicine? Next, I will answer for you.

When is the best time to drink Chinese medicine?

When drinking Chinese medicine, choose the right time to take the medicine to get the best therapeutic effect, and this is especially true for Chinese medicine. The time to take Chinese medicine should be determined according to the condition and the nature of the drug. Most drugs are best taken half an hour to an hour after a meal.

Chinese medicine practitioners pay attention to the “four qi and five tastes” when combining Chinese medicines, according to the cold, hot, warm and cool nature of the medicine, and with reference to the five tastes of pungent, sweet, sour, bitter and salty to make up the formula. When taking medicines on an empty stomach, cold medicines or medicines with heavy five flavors may cause some damage to the gastric mucosa.

Different types of herbal medicines are taken at different times. For liver, kidney and intestinal disorders, it is advisable to take them before meals; for dizziness and throat disorders, it is advisable to take them after meals; for laxatives, tonic medicines and deworming medicines, it is advisable to take them on an empty stomach; and for tranquilizers, it is advisable to take them before bedtime.

These are the general requirements for the time to take medication according to the different conditions and the characteristics of the drug’s action. When using medication, doctors will adjust the medication according to the changes in the patient’s body, and the prescription of medication will not be limited to a certain type of medication, plus patients taking medication for a long time will inevitably cause damage to the gastric mucosa, so it is recommended that people who have been drinking Chinese medicine tonics for a long time should take the medication within 30 to 60 minutes after meals to reduce the direct stimulation of the medication on the gastric mucosa.

Six taboos of drinking Chinese medicine


When drinking Chinese medicine, we must pay attention to avoid spicy food in the diet, such food is more pungent and hot, with the effect of Yang and stomach, if too much consumption is easy to produce phlegm and fire, scattering gas and blood, so this type of diet is only suitable for cold disease, but not for the body of Yin deficiency and Yang hyperactivity and blood, warm disease, hemorrhoids, carbuncle patients. These foods include onions, garlic, leeks, ginger, wine, chili peppers and so on. Such as chili is hot, if fever, constipation, urine short red, dry mouth, thirst, dry lips, sore throat, epistaxis, red tongue and other heat signs eat, will certainly aggravate the “fire” symptoms, thus offsetting the effectiveness of heat and cool the blood and nourishing Yin drugs, so hot patients to see a Chinese doctor can not eat chili.

Fishy foods.

Fishy food also need to pay attention to avoid eating, or may affect health, such food is mostly salty cold and fishy products, and contains foreign protein, easy to cause allergic reactions, easy to eat the spleen and stomach and induce disease, so the spleen and stomach disease should not eat more, especially allergic people should not eat it. Such foods are yellowtail, carp, striped bass, mussels, shrimp, crab, etc., while carp, sardines, catfish, yellowtail, crab, yellow mud snail is most likely to cause allergies. Fishy foods are also hairy.

Hairy foods.

Hairy food will generally promote the deterioration of the disease, so it is best not to eat hairy food when we eat Chinese medicine, such food are moving wind and phlegm to help fire products, because the disease on the degree of food selection of different sizes, the “hair” also varies. Such foods are mushrooms, mushrooms, bamboo shoots, mustard, pumpkin, rooster meat, pork, pork, etc. Such as liver Yang hyperactivity, liver wind within the moving patients when forbidden to eat rooster meat, pork; boils, boils, sores, carbuncles and other skin diseases patients, when forbidden to eat mushrooms, mushrooms, bamboo shoots, rooster meat, pork, pork, otherwise it will accelerate the redness, swelling, pus; gastrointestinal disease people forbidden to eat pumpkin, because pumpkin contains sugar, eat more will produce more acid, stimulation of the stomach and intestines. In view of this, the “hair”, to a large extent, can be said to promote the deterioration of the disease meaning.

Raw and cold.

When eating Chinese medicine, we must be careful not to eat cold food, otherwise it will affect the health of the body, such food is mostly cold, the main role is to clear heat and quench thirst, so suitable for hot evidence of disease. But it is easy to affect the gastrointestinal function, so the cold body and gastrointestinal disease patients, when contraindicated. For example, white radish is cold in nature and has the effect of eliminating food, resolving phlegm and regulating gas, so if patients with cold constitution and gastrointestinal diseases eat it, it will be even colder and the gastrointestinal function will be worse. In addition, when taking ginseng and other tonic medicines at the same time, because of the malignant nature of the medicine, can reduce or eliminate the effectiveness of the tonic, so radish and ginseng should not be taken together.

Greasy food.

We should also pay attention to greasy food, which is not suitable for digestion and is harmful to the spleen and stomach, including animal fats and oils, fried and deep-fried hard food. Greasy food is detrimental to the health of the spleen and stomach, so it is contraindicated in cases of external diseases, jaundice and diarrhea. Frying, deep-fried food material hard, dry and hot, not easy to digest, gastrointestinal disease and “on fire” people avoid eating.

Sour and astringent.

When eating Chinese medicine, we need to pay attention to avoid eating sour and astringent food, which can stimulate the stomach and intestines, too much acid is stimulating to the stomach and intestines, so excessive stomach acid, gastrointestinal ulcer patients are prohibited to eat. Astringent, most of them contain tannin. Such as tea contains tannin, and strong tea content is higher, when taken with herbal medicine, can be combined with certain proteins, alkaloids, heavy metal salts in herbal medicine to produce precipitation, which will affect the absorption of the active ingredients of the drug, and also have an impact on the absorption of protein and other nutrients. Therefore, when taking herbal medicines, generally should not be taken with strong tea.

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