Eating propolis regularly has these seven benefits, but these people shouldn’t eat more of it

In conclusion, while propolis is beneficial, it is not suitable for everyone. Before consumption, one should be aware of their health condition. If any of the above contraindications apply, it is advisable to refrain from consuming propolis or seek guidance from a medical professional to avoid adverse effects on the body.

Eating propolis regularly has these seven benefits, but these people shouldn't eat more of it

Propolis refers to a sticky substance collected by bees from the stamens of flowers and resin while gathering nectar. After being mixed with their saliva and enzymes, it forms a sticky material. It is a natural health product containing rich nutritional components and bioactive substances. There are numerous benefits to regularly consuming propolis. Let’s explore some of them!

Firstly, propolis has anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, and antiviral properties. It can enhance the body’s immune system, preventing colds and other diseases. Additionally, propolis promotes wound healing, exhibiting excellent therapeutic effects on burns, injuries, and similar conditions.

Secondly, propolis possesses antioxidant properties. It can eliminate free radicals in the body, slowing down the aging process and protecting cells from damage. Therefore, some individuals use propolis as a beauty supplement to reduce skin aging and enhance skin elasticity and radiance.

Moreover, propolis can regulate blood sugar levels, making it a beneficial complementary treatment for diabetes patients. It also lowers blood lipid levels, preventing cardiovascular diseases.

As a health food, propolis has become an essential item in the daily lives of many people. However, it is not suitable for everyone. Here are the contraindications for propolis consumption:

  1. Individuals with allergic tendencies: As propolis itself may contain bee components, it can cause severe allergic reactions, even life-threatening, for those with allergic tendencies. Therefore, if you have a history of allergies to bees or bee products, it is best to avoid consuming propolis.
  2. Pregnant and lactating women: Although propolis itself does not cause obvious harm to the body, pregnant and lactating women have special dietary considerations. It is advisable for them to avoid consuming propolis during these periods.
  3. People with a young age, weakened body, impaired liver or kidney function, and poor digestive system are not suitable candidates for propolis consumption. Given their overall poor health conditions, consuming stimulative foods like propolis might cause further harm to their bodies.

In conclusion, while propolis is beneficial, it is not suitable for everyone. Before consumption, one should be aware of their health condition. If any of the above contraindications apply, it is advisable to refrain from consuming propolis or seek guidance from a medical professional to avoid adverse effects on the body.

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