Pillow neck pain, lumbar sprain pain … Chinese medicine to provide 6 pain relief formula!

It is worth noting that some pains may be caused by diseases, so in addition to pain relief, it is necessary to choose a regular hospital to do relevant examinations to see what the cause is. You can’t take painkillers as soon as you have pain, as this will cover up the condition and delay the best time for treatment.

Pillow neck pain, lumbar sprain pain ... Chinese medicine to provide 6 pain relief formula!

In daily life, there are inevitably various kinds of pain, such as headache caused by the cold, toothache, stomach pain or neck pain, etc. People’s first thought is to take painkillers, but drugs for pain can also bring side effects, in this case it may be worthwhile to use Chinese medicine to relieve pain, safe and non-toxic side effects.

How to use Chinese medicine for various pains?

1, lumbar sprain pain

Strenuous exercise, heavy lifting, sudden changes in position may occur when the lumbar sprain. At this time should immediately lie down to rest, waist flattened, legs slightly bent; with Chinese medicine salt bag on the local hot compress, the appropriate amount of angelica, safflower and wei lingxian, and stretch grass and big green salt together into a cloth bag, and then put into the microwave oven heating, the sprain hot compress 30 minutes, once a day in the morning and evening, but can not burn the skin.

2, neck pain caused by the pillow

The neck becomes stiff after the pillow, the neck rotation is restricted, when serious can be accompanied by muscle spasm and soreness, general fatigue and nausea and dizziness, etc. In this case, you can moxibustion or cupping around the neck and the pillow. Apply an appropriate amount of safflower oil around the neck and pillow, take a walking jar method for the painful area, to the skin redness is appropriate, and then the large vertebrae point, Fengchi point and Fengmen point stay jar. You can also use a hot towel on the local hot compress, and then paste the wound and damp pain relief cream, can help relieve pain.

3, cramp leg pain

Most people suddenly calf cramps in the middle of the night, seriously affecting sleep. When the calf cramp should be immediately straighten the cramped foot, to the opposite direction of the cramp; you can also apply anti-inflammatory and pain relief ointment, rub and massage after applying the ointment, can relieve muscle spasms; or the foot Sanli points, Kunlun points and Chengshan points, as well as Yanglingquan points and the Commission point pressure, can play a blood circulation and relieve pain effect; or the cramped muscle at the hot compress, can improve blood circulation, facilitate the discharge of metabolic waste It can also improve blood circulation and facilitate the discharge of metabolic waste.

4, toothache

When you have toothache, press the Hegu point, which is at the midpoint of the radial side of the second metacarpal bone, and massage it with the index finger for about 5 minutes, making the area red and sore, which can quickly relieve toothache.

5, stomach pain

Chinese medicine believes that the reason for stomach pain is that the spleen and stomach are not in harmony, stomach gas does not descend, so you can push the way to drive away the stomach cold, play a spleen and stomach and warm the effect of dispersing cold, and also can regulate the gas to relieve pain.

6, migraine

When migraine occurs, you can put white radish peel on the solar plexus, which can clear heat and remove annoyance and calm the mind and Qi, and can also improve local blood circulation and reduce vascular resistance.

Warm Tips

It is worth noting that some pains may be caused by diseases, so in addition to pain relief, it is necessary to choose a regular hospital to do relevant examinations to see what the cause is. You can’t take painkillers as soon as you have pain, as this will cover up the condition and delay the best time for treatment.

Original article by admin, if reproduced, please cite the source as: https://www.tcmha.com/tcmhealthcare/pillow-neck-pain-lumbar-sprain-pain-chinese-medicine-to-provide-6-pain-relief-formula.html

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