What should a woman do if she has just given birth to a baby and has diarrhea? Chinese medicine practitioners teach you a few tricks to get rid of the disease.

Based on the above 4 kinds of Chinese medicine treatment measures, the maternal diarrhea phenomenon can be very well improved treatment, while paying attention to their own diet reasonable collocation, avoid spicy food, can achieve relief.

What should a woman do if she has just given birth to a baby and has diarrhea? Chinese medicine practitioners teach you a few tricks to get rid of the disease.

Women often suffer from diarrhea after giving birth because of their own diet or wearing too few clothes. Then maternal diarrhea will affect the mother’s diet, but also reduce the gastrointestinal tract of nutrition digestion and absorption, seriously affecting the quality of breast milk, which also has a great impact on the child’s breastfeeding.

How to do maternal diarrhea? Chinese medicine teaches you a few tricks to get rid of the disease.

1: Hot compress treatment. Life if you are taking drugs, will lead to women taking drugs through the digestive system into the blood, and then reach the breast milk, and appear the child will also absorb the drug, so you can use hot water bags to warm the following abdomen, so as to relieve the symptoms of diarrhea.

2: Moxibustion treatment. The treatment of moxibustion has essentially similar effects to the treatment of hot packs. It is usually done by placing moxa on the navel area, which can effectively remove the dampness and coolness associated with the abdomen and improve the symptoms of maternal diarrhea.

3: Traditional Chinese medicine diet regulation. In life, you can eat some yam, barley, lotus seeds, lentils, and other foods that strengthen the spleen and benefit the qi, which can effectively alleviate the symptoms of maternal diarrhea in menstruation.

4: Chinese medicine treatment. You can take Zuo Jin Pills, Sen Bodhi Bai Zhu Punch, Pure Yang Zheng Qi Pills, and other medicines to regulate the spleen and stomach, to realize the warm kidney and spleen, and solid astringent to stop diarrhea symptoms.

Based on the above 4 kinds of Chinese medicine treatment measures, the maternal diarrhea phenomenon can be very well improved treatment, while paying attention to their own diet reasonable collocation, avoid spicy food, can achieve relief.

Original article by admin, if reproduced, please cite the source as: https://www.tcmha.com/tcmhealthcare/what-should-a-woman-do-if-she-has-just-given-birth-to-a-baby-and-has-diarrhea-chinese-medicine-practitioners-teach-you-a-few-tricks-to-get-rid-of-the-disease.html

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