Cold body easily suffer from these 8 diseases, you must pay attention!

Patients with cold constitution will have the above health risks, so it is recommended that we must pay attention to them and actively take care of our body. Usually, more exercise can warm up the body and make it generate heat, and also make the muscles contract and expand to increase the amount of muscles, speed up the blood circulation of the whole body, and discharge the cold energy for the body.

Cold body easily suffer from these 8 diseases, you must pay attention!

In daily life, some people have excessive yin inside the body, which causes imbalance of yin and yang in the body, and the body’s nutrients, digestion and absorption functions are weakened, thus reducing the absorption of heat and eventually leading to a cold physique. Cold constitution will usually have diarrhea, fear of cold, cold extremities and other uncomfortable symptoms, but also easy to induce a variety of diseases.

What diseases are cold body susceptible to?

1, pain

Cold body is prone to body pain, such as joint pain, nerve pain, rheumatic pain, headache, etc.. In this case, you can steam sauna, hot compress or hot bath to relieve.

2, allergies

Cold body immunity is poor, the body in order to eliminate excess water to warm the body, it is easy to lead to allergies, common allergies, rhinitis, asthma, enteritis, conjunctivitis, etc.

3, nausea and vomiting

Cold body metabolism is hindered, it is easy to cause poor urination, so that a large amount of water stagnation in the body. When the patient is mentally deficient or stressed out, nausea and vomiting will occur.

4, Gastroenteritis

Cold body, when the abdomen is cold will cause diarrhea, abdominal pain bad eating habits will also cause irritation to the stomach and intestines. In the long run, it will damage the body’s gastrointestinal health, and then cause gastroenteritis.

5, obesity

Cold physique, the body’s metabolic capacity is not strong, it will cause when the water infiltration is too much easily swollen, and then cause obesity. Suggest that this situation can drink more black tea or ginger black tea to diuretic warm body, eliminate swelling state.

6, high blood pressure

The human body in the morning after waking up lack of physical activity, this time is the lowest blood pressure. And cold body patients in the morning blood pressure will follow the physical activity slowly rise, resulting in hypertension.

7, glaucoma

Glaucoma is a common eye disease, when a person suffers from a cold body or consume too much water, it is easy to glaucoma increase the pressure on the retinal blood vessels. Hot towels can be used to apply hot compresses around the eyes, which can promote local blood circulation in the eyes.

8, Cancer

The immunity of cold body is lower, and it will be more prone to cancer than normal people. To avoid cancer, patients with cold constitution should normally take care of their body.

Patients with cold constitution will have the above health risks, so it is recommended that we must pay attention to them and actively take care of our body. Usually, more exercise can warm up the body and make it generate heat, and also make the muscles contract and expand to increase the amount of muscles, speed up the blood circulation of the whole body, and discharge the cold energy for the body.

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