Chinese Medicine for Pregnancy | To be beautiful and pregnant, but also to be healthy

Chinese Medicine for Pregnancy | To be beautiful and pregnant, but also to be healthy

Chinese Medicine for Pregnancy

Good circulation of Qi and blood is very important for mothers-to-be preparing for pregnancy. Inadequate blood supply can lead to coldness in the uterus and affect the function of the uterus and ovaries, thus affecting the stability of embryo implantation. Therefore, qi and blood regulation before pregnancy is crucial.

With the opening of the second child policy, the pressure on women has increased, and so has the pressure on TCM doctors. There are more and more ladies in the clinic who are preparing for pregnancy, from one child to two children, from the right age to the advanced age, all of them are not good solutions.

❶ When the age comes, you have been preparing for pregnancy for two or three years but you can’t get pregnant, and there is nothing serious wrong with your body.

❷ Career development is right at the head, work pressure is high, staying up late to socialize is common, the body is overdrawn, emotional stress and anxiety, often pregnancy preparation fails and it is not easy to conceive.

❸The actual fact is that you will be able to get a lot of money for your own business.

❹ Couples are eagerly awaiting the arrival of their baby, and the more anxious they are, the more easily they become discouraged.

The most important thing is to make sure that you have the best possible chance of having a baby. You have to do more than just talk about it, but you have to do these things.

♥ Improve bad lifestyle habits

To nurture a life, you need healthy seeds, fertile soil, good environment, etc. Long-term late nights, smoking, alcoholism, overeating, too much thinking, and stressful work are all huge drain on the body, and where are the conditions to conceive a healthy baby when the body is deficient?

Even if the baby is born successfully, the baby will be in poor health, difficult to feed and easy to get sick, which is irresponsible to the child and will cause more suffering to the family in the future.

That’s why Dr. Shi Mei often says that having a birth plan and enough time and energy to prepare for pregnancy will benefit three generations – the parents themselves, the child, and the child’s child, in fact, it’s not too much to say four generations, and grandparents and grandparents are also relaxed, right?

Pregnancy preparation is not only something women have to do, but men have to join in as well. Both husband and wife should change their bad habits and strive for a healthy work and rest schedule, as we all know, staying up late is not only a consequence of hair loss.

Reject high sugar, high salt and high fat food in your diet, choose the right and appropriate amount of food according to your body, remember the saying, “the body needs before it wants to eat.

Keep exercising in moderation, having a healthy body will also bring good gains.

♥ Keep a relaxed and stable mindset

Don’t underestimate the importance of your mindset. There are many couples who are full of stress when preparing for pregnancy, such as stressful work, urging from elders and anxious themselves, resulting in too much psychological pressure on themselves, and obviously both of them are physically fine, but they just can’t conceive a child.

The most important thing is to let nature take its course and try to create a relaxed and loving environment so that the baby conceived will be born very good and will be better in the future.

♥ Pre-conception conditioning for both spouses

There are many people who feel that there is nothing wrong with their bodies and no organic lesions have been detected in hospital medical examinations. However, they do not know that the so-called “sub-health”, in the view of traditional Chinese medicine, is likely to be “uterine cold and infertility”, poor sperm quality and other conditions.

The purpose of the couple’s simultaneous conditioning is to combine high quality eggs and sperm to reduce or avoid the occurrence of congenital diseases, and then to have a healthy and excellent baby.

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