What should I pay attention to when treating tumors with Chinese medicine? 5 correct concepts to keep in mind!

Generally, only surgery at an early stage is possible for complete cure. Therefore, patients who have missed the time of surgery usually have to choose Chinese medicine for long-term control and regulation.

What should I pay attention to when treating tumors with Chinese medicine? 5 correct concepts to keep in mind!

Malignant tumors are one of the more serious diseases today, and even the current more popular clinical medicine cannot guarantee the treatment of malignant tumors. Generally, only surgery at an early stage is possible for complete cure. Therefore, patients who have missed the time of surgery usually have to choose Chinese medicine for long-term control and regulation.

What is the philosophy of Chinese medicine in treating tumors?

1, Chinese medicine as the simultaneous choice of comprehensive treatment

First of all, in clinical practice, if the disease has developed to a serious level and the patient’s life is in danger, palliative treatment is usually needed, but due to the difficulty of control, good effect cannot be guaranteed, so Chinese medicine treatment can be used as a simultaneous choice. Chinese medicine can play different roles at different stages in the comprehensive treatment of tumor. Therefore, according to the use of chemotherapy and radiotherapy, Chinese medicine can also be used to reduce toxicity and maintain symptoms.

2, Correct view of the efficacy of Chinese medicine

When treating malignant tumors, TCM can not completely achieve the effect of curing the tumor, therefore, during the treatment of cancer, TCM can not guarantee the prognosis of patients. At this time, it is necessary to view the efficacy of TCM correctly, so as to avoid the wrong use of various treatments and the long-term development of patients’ diseases.

3, Enhance the therapeutic effect

Most of the time, Chinese medicine treatment for malignant tumors is handled with the concept of enhancing the efficacy. This is because the main methods of treating various malignant tumors are still radiotherapy and chemotherapy, so when using Chinese medicine treatment, not only can it not hinder the effect of chemotherapy and radiotherapy, but also play the role of enhancing the efficacy. The main purpose of Chinese medicine treatment is to enhance the effect of chemotherapy in controlling cancer cells, and also to reduce the side effects brought by chemotherapy.

4, Allopathic treatment

Even in the treatment of cancer patients, symptomatic treatment is still needed because TCM needs to judge the disease first and understand the type of disease before choosing the treatment plan, and blind treatment is against the principle of TCM treatment. Therefore, in treating cancer, TCM philosophy is still to focus on symptomatic treatment, so as to achieve the corresponding effect and avoid delaying the disease.

5, Treating TCM as regular treatment

Although most of the time, TCM treatment is a complementary treatment for patients, it is still a formal treatment and should not be treated as a health care treatment. Even if you take Chinese medicine, you need to pay attention to the dietary taboos, otherwise the effect of Chinese medicine treatment will be greatly reduced.

Chinese medicine in the treatment of tumor is required to keep its own philosophy at all times because, if the philosophy is not enough in the process of comprehensive tumor treatment, it may lead to patients not getting active treatment and also further aggravate the symptoms.

Original article by admin, if reproduced, please cite the source as: https://www.tcmha.com/tcmhealthcare/what-should-i-pay-attention-to-when-treating-tumors-with-chinese-medicine-5-correct-concepts-to-keep-in-mind.html

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