What are some characteristics of winter diseases and summer treatment? What are the significance of winter diseases and summer treatment?

The three-volt days are the most vigorous time of the year for yang energy, which usually means that the qi and blood are full and can treat cold diseases to the maximum extent.

What are some characteristics of winter diseases and summer treatment? What are the significance of winter diseases and summer treatment?

Chinese medicine often has the saying that spring and summer nourish Yang, autumn and winter nourish Yin, and now that the hot summer is here and the most unbearable three-volt days are coming, is this a good time to take care of your health? The three-volt days are the most vigorous time of the year for yang energy, which usually means that the qi and blood are full and can treat cold diseases to the maximum extent.

What are some characteristics of winter diseases?

1. Yin deficiency

Often winter illnesses are accompanied by yin deficiency, and these patients usually show up with pale faces, cold limbs, and sometimes severe chills. These symptoms are caused by a cold, so helping Yang Qi can generally have great relief.

2. Aggravated by cold

Some diseases can be significantly aggravated when the seasons change and the weather become cooler, these are generally cold diseases, as there are already roots of disease in the body, stimulated by cold, which will lead to repeated attacks. For example, asthma and lung disease patients are very obvious, so these types of patients also urgently need to improve their physical fitness, to eliminate the cold to improve the symptoms.

3. Recurrent attacks and long duration of illness

Diseases caused by colds often recur at a certain period or under the influence of certain factors and are not easily cured completely. Because cold affects the internal organs and mechanisms, it is generally difficult to remove the root of the disease, and the course of the disease becomes relatively long.

4. Affect the physique

Due to the long-term invasion of cold, the various functions of the body will be more or less affected, the most affected is the operation of qi and blood, qi and blood running problems will indirectly or directly affect the function of the internal organs, and for a long time, this will lead to the continued weakness of the body functions and the function of the internal organs, and the physique will become weaker and weaker.

What is the significance of winter illness and summer treatment?

Generally, the Yang energy of people is weakest in winter, so it is usually more difficult to treat cold diseases in winter. If the cold disease is treated under the influence of continuous stimulating factors often does not achieve the desired effect, and even if it is treated, there is a risk that the disease will recur or even worsen because of the weather. In contrast, in the summer, the natural weather begins to turn warm and become hot, Yang Qi is also filled up, and the cold evil of the disease is naturally suppressed in the body. At this time, the Yang Qi is continuously strengthened, and the cold Qi has nowhere to escape and will be dispersed outside the body.

If there is an obvious invasion of cold, then hurry up in the summer to cure him completely, in the diet also needs to pay attention to, due to the hot summer environment, most people like to drink ice water, and eat ice products, but this often introduces cold into the gastrointestinal tract, it is easy to cause weakness of the gastrointestinal tract, which leads to diarrhea or nausea and vomiting, in the winter may also cause stomach problems.

Original article by admin, if reproduced, please cite the source as: https://www.tcmha.com/tcmhealthcare/what-are-some-characteristics-of-winter-diseases-and-summer-treatment-what-are-the-significance-of-winter-diseases-and-summer-treatment.html

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