What about a sore throat? TCM tips to help

Every day must drink more water, not drink strong coffee and alcohol, and other stimulant drinks, should pay attention to a light diet, can not eat dry and hard food, otherwise, it will cause damage to the throat, ensure adequate sleep, put an end to bad habits, develop a good habit of gargling after meals.

What about a sore throat? TCM tips to help

In autumn the weather will become drier, and a lot of smokers will have a dry and itchy sore throat, especially after waking up in the morning, always feel there is something blocked throat, throat is uncomfortable how to do.

What about a sore throat?

1. Neck scraping

If the fireworks caused by a cold are swollen and painful, you can scrape the front neck to relieve the symptoms of a sore throat. The specific method is to lie on the bed, smear the scraping oil on the neck, and then use the scraping board to scrape from above. When scraping, we must pay attention to gentle action until scraping out the scraping.

2. Soak the olives

You need to prepare a fresh olive and then boil it in boiling water. If it is tonsil inflammation or hoarseness more serious, you can appropriately increase salt to mix drinking. Fresh olives can be repeatedly brewed and drunk. After application, the olive fruit can not be thrown away but can be chewed directly, which can supplement the rich dietary fiber for the body. In addition, you can also put two fresh olives in green tea to brew, and with a small amount of honey, has the effect of protecting the throat and moistening the lungs.

3. Steam inhalation method

Fill a clean basin with boiling water and wrap a towel around your head so your face is covered in steam. Inhaling steam into your nose and mouth when you breathe deeply can relieve an upset throat for about ten minutes.

4. Suck the garlic

Allicin, which is found in garlic, kills bacteria and viruses and sucking on a garlic clove after you’ve cut it prevents infection and relieves sore throats. If you feel an itchy throat, you can suck garlic in your mouth for five minutes.

5. Unblock your nose

If you have a sore throat caused by mouth breathing due to nasal congestion, you should go to the hospital to get your nose cleared. Decongestant nasal spray can be an option, but only under the guidance of a doctor, and should not be used for more than two days, otherwise, it will cause addiction.

6. Keep your throat warm

Soak fresh lemon slices and honey in warm water to ease an upset throat. In addition, we should also pay attention to keeping the throat warm. You can put a silk scarf or scarf around the throat to ease the irritation to the throat. At the same time, you can also choose natural medicines, such as licorice, which has the effect of anti-inflammatory.

Warm Tips

Every day must drink more water, not drink strong coffee and alcohol, and other stimulant drinks, should pay attention to a light diet, can not eat dry and hard food, otherwise, it will cause damage to the throat, ensure adequate sleep, put an end to bad habits, develop a good habit of gargling after meals.

Original article by admin, if reproduced, please cite the source as: https://www.tcmha.com/tcmhealthcare/what-about-a-sore-throat-tcm-tips-to-help.html

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