Treatment of Pharyngitis in Traditional Chinese Medicine

In Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), pharyngitis is often attributed to the accumulation of internal toxins. Therefore, patients are usually prescribed herbal remedies with heat-clearing and detoxifying properties. Drinking mung bean porridge is recommended for its heat-clearing and detoxifying effects. Additionally, a diet rich in vegetables and fruits and low in spicy and irritating foods is suggested.

Treatment of Pharyngitis in Traditional Chinese Medicine

Pharyngitis is a general term for inflammation of the mucous membranes, submucosa, and lymphatic tissues in the throat caused by factors such as bacterial or viral infections, environmental irritants, and other factors. It’s a non-specific inflammation of the human pharynx and can occur on its own or in conjunction with other upper respiratory infections.

Depending on the course of the disease, pharyngitis can be divided into acute pharyngitis and chronic pharyngitis.

Acute Pharyngitis

Acute pharyngitis is an acute inflammation of the throat caused by factors such as bacterial or viral infections, and environmental irritants. Patients may experience symptoms such as dryness and burning in the throat, followed by throat pain, difficulty swallowing, and systemic symptoms like fever and headache. It can be transmitted through respiratory droplets or by close contact with infected individuals.

Chronic Pharyngitis

Chronic pharyngitis is a diffuse chronic inflammation of the pharynx caused by local factors such as respiratory tract inflammation, environmental irritants, and systemic factors such as anemia and immunodeficiency. It can also be triggered by allergic reactions. Patients typically experience symptoms like throat itching, foreign body sensation, and dryness, with few systemic symptoms. This condition has a longer course and can be challenging to treat.

Pharyngitis can lead to various symptoms in affected individuals, including a sensation of foreign body in the throat, which can trigger repeated swallowing reflexes. Some chronic pharyngitis patients may have habitual coughing, and in severe cases, it can lead to bleeding of the pharyngeal mucosa with blood-streaked secretions. Some patients may experience altered taste, loss of appetite, poor sleep, and overall weakness due to the discomfort in the throat.

In Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), pharyngitis is often attributed to the accumulation of internal toxins. Therefore, patients are usually prescribed herbal remedies with heat-clearing and detoxifying properties. Drinking mung bean porridge is recommended for its heat-clearing and detoxifying effects. Additionally, a diet rich in vegetables and fruits and low in spicy and irritating foods is suggested.

TCM emphasizes syndrome differentiation and treatment based on the underlying pattern. Different types of pharyngitis are classified, and specific treatments are applied accordingly to facilitate a speedy recovery. Pharyngitis is believed to be caused by the stagnation of vital energy (qi), leading to inflammation. If left untreated for an extended period or due to recurrent exposure to external pathogenic factors like cold, heat, and wind, it can lead to lung yin deficiency and dryness, triggering pharyngitis.

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