Chinese medicine health care of food therapy do not eat indiscriminately

Chinese medicine health care of food therapy do not eat indiscriminately

As life gets better and better, the standard of living improves, and the public begins to pay attention to the piece of health food therapy, the choice of food therapy in daily life can enhance the quality of health, reduce the probability of illness. But not all people are suitable, if not used properly, but will have a variety of side effects. If you do not want to lie together board, then do not eat blindly.

In fact, choose the right health food therapy need to master a certain amount of medical knowledge, not only to know the role of this food therapy recipe, but also need to know the contraindications, it is suitable for what kind of people to eat, what constitution can only eat. If a sick person is taking medication, whether or not the medication conflicts with the food is something that needs to be fully understood.

Therefore, health food therapy should not be used indiscriminately. If you are not sure whether this food therapy formula is suitable for you, please consume it under the guidance of a professional doctor. Chinese medicine is a discipline with a complete theoretical system, diagnostic criteria and treatment methods. A professional TCM doctor can understand the patient’s physique and condition through “looking, smelling, asking and cutting”, so as to provide more targeted health food treatment advice.

As early as 2,000 years ago, the Yellow Emperor’s Classic of Internal Medicine recorded the dietary principles of “five grains for nourishment, five fruits for help, five animals for benefit, and five vegetables for enrichment”, which has played an important role in guiding our modern food therapy.

The “five grains” refer to rice, millet, corn, wheat and soybeans, which are the seeds produced by plants after a year of hard work, absorbing the essence of heaven and earth, and containing sufficient nutrients. Eating the five grains can provide energy for human organism activities and ensure people’s normal life activities.

The “five fruits” include fruits and nuts such as dates, plums, apricots, chestnuts, and peaches, which are more important to the human body than the grains and provide the basic substances that the grains cannot provide, and provide power for human life.

The “five animals” are: cattle, dogs, sheep, pigs and chickens. In addition to grains and fruits, meat also provides essential substances for the human body, such as amino acids. Meat can benefit the body’s Yang energy and protect the muscles against wind and cold. But everything has its advantages and disadvantages, eat meat in moderation, neither completely vegetarian, and do not eat too much oh.

“Five vegetables” refers to the sunflower, leek, Allium, Huo, onion and other vegetables, which are rich in a variety of trace elements, vitamins, fiber and other nutrients, the consumption of five vegetables to help the digestion and absorption of five grains, five fruits, five animals, can prevent dietary stagnation, improve the taste of food, enhance appetite, and benefit the right qi. We must remember to eat more vegetables!

The ancients and our modern food culture coincide, indicating the importance of diet for human health from ancient times to the present.

Common misconceptions about food therapy!

1. Anyone can use the same recipe for dietary therapy

Everyone’s physique is different and their health condition is also different. It is considered that simple daily dietary therapy should also seek the advice of a doctor, and you cannot eat whatever you want.

2. Food is safe, you can just eat pictures

Food therapy is not necessarily safe, food also has toxicity, it is important to note that many people are more enthusiastic about food therapy because they think it is safer, food is safe in normal amounts, but eat enough, the medicinal components of which reach a certain level, it becomes a drug.

3. Food therapy can replace drugs for treatment pictures

Although food therapy is good, but only as a daily body conditioning, expectations should not be too high, can not replace drugs, has occurred when the disease, drug therapy can not be replaced by food, the hospital must still enter.

4. Nutrition is the picture of food therapy

Nutritious is not necessarily that can be dietary therapy, many people think that nutrition is dietary therapy, in fact, this statement is not entirely correct, eat more nutritious food is not necessarily dietary therapy. In addition, many foods do not have the health benefits considered by Chinese medicine theory, and can not play the role of Chinese medicine food therapy.

How to choose the right food therapy?

1. According to the different physique selection of different ingredients to be effective picture

Chinese medicine believes that the human physique has a cold and hot deficiency, according to their own physique to choose to eat food to be beneficial to health, food therapy to get results. Otherwise, not only will not achieve the desired effect, but also counterproductive.

2. According to the different conditions to choose different ingredients to effective picture

The disease often has cold, heat, deficiency, real, there are four seasons in a year, four different days, the disease is the same, according to the disease does not have to choose food therapy, to achieve twice the effect with half the effort.

3. According to the gender of different selection of different ingredients picture

Men and women in the formation of the cause of the disease is very different, in the diet of the supplement to take also be divided into three, six, nine, and can not be generalized, women have menstruation with fetal out, more supplement qi and blood, diet to regulate qi and blood for the top, while men are more tired force empty, it is appropriate to supplement the kidneys to supplement the deficiency for the top seat.

4. choose different ingredients to regulate the picture because of the time

The four seasons are divided into yin and yang, everything has its roots, cold winter eat watermelon, injury to the stomach and destroy the heart, the four seasons are different cold and warm, dietary conditioning should also be in line with the time of day, in line with the season, which is the scientific approach to diet.

5. according to local conditions to choose ingredients picture

For example, oranges planted in the south called oranges, sweet and sour, nutritious, and oranges planted in some places in the north, a small seeds, stinky and hard to swallow, and toxic, passers-by often avoid, so that the selection of ingredients should also be adapted to local conditions.

6. Suitable for their own is the best picture of the ingredients

People in the selection of ingredients, combined with their own physical condition is the best. For example, pregnant women should not eat food that activates blood circulation. Choose the right ingredients in order to eat right and eat well.

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