Is Tiger Balm, a Traditional Chinese Medicine Remedy, Really Effective?

Also in its structure we can find Camphor, Menthol, Cajuput, Peppermint Oil, Clove Oil and Cinnamon OilAll of them more active ingredients from a pharmacological point of view.

Is Tiger Balm, a Traditional Chinese Medicine Remedy, Really Effective?

Its properties have relief muscle pain And who has heads, today we are talking about tiger balm, an essential ointment or ointment in the medicine cabinet of Chinese families, since the beginning of the last century. Although for a few years it ceased to be very popular again in the western world as well recently.

Its name is due to the image of power and power that this animal possesses and is made from plant extracts and mineral oils derived from petroleum, such as paraffin and petrolatum. It can be purchased in supermarkets, sports stores, pharmacies, parapharmacies and herbalists.

Also in its structure we can find Camphor, Menthol, Cajuput, Peppermint Oil, Clove Oil and Cinnamon OilAll of them more active ingredients from a pharmacological point of view, as mentioned OCU website.

From the OCU, however, they also warn that, «This product is not a drug in Spain and therefore its labeling or advertising cannot contain medical claims.».

It is sold as a massage product, as well as for nasal congestion and headaches to relieve muscle and joint pain, and is even used by some people to treat . Insect bite,

To apply it, we should take a small amount of the product and massage that area, never near the eyes or on the mucous membranes such as the mouth, nose, vagina, rectum or penis. Neither in open wounds, nor before exposing yourself to sunlight or heat (shower, sauna or electric blanket).

It should never be applied to children under three years of age and is generally not recommended for use in children under the age of thirteen. Neither during pregnancy nor during breastfeeding.

From the consumer organization they also explain its operation, “It works by ‘tricking’ nerve endings with the sensations of cooling and warming, interrupting other pain signals.”

and about the existence of scientific studies on that they say that “With few controlled studies and limited evidence, there is indication that Tiger Balm Ointment may be useful for the treatment of tension headaches, and appears to be able to increase blood flow to the legs when combined with massage.


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