These two remedies can be tried for advanced liver cancer

Liver cancer is one of the more common types of cancer, which seriously endangers people’s health. How should liver cancer be treated?

These two remedies can be tried for advanced liver cancer

Liver cancer is one of the more common types of cancer, which seriously endangers people’s health. How should liver cancer be treated?

Symptoms of late-stage liver cancer

Pain in the liver area, most commonly intermittent or persistent dull pain or swelling pain. The rapid growth of the tumor may cause pain due to tautness of the peritoneum and invasion of the diaphragm, which may radiate to the right shoulder or right back.

Gastrointestinal symptoms, loss of appetite, indigestion, nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea are easily overlooked due to their lack of specificity.

Weakness, emaciation, general debility, and in a few advanced cases, a cachectic appearance.

Fever, usually low, occasionally above 39°C, persistent fever, afternoon hypothermia, or tachypnoea. Fever is associated with the absorption of necrotic products of cancer. Biliary tract infection can be complicated by cancer compression or invasion of the bile duct.

Recommended remedies

Recipe 1

Ingredients: 500 grams of seeds and eggs. Roast the seeds in a casserole over a gentle fire, grind them into a fine powder, and set aside. Take an egg, beat it in a bowl, and add 5g of finely ground sprout seeds to the bowl and mix well with the egg. Add a little veg oil to the frying pan and bring to a boil. Stir-fry until golden brown, cook, and serve.

Directions: Consume in the morning on an empty stomach once a day after waking up.

Indications: Liver cancer ascites, liver cirrhosis, liver cancer.

Recipe 2

Ingredients: Fresh peach leaves, 9 centipedes, Impatiens, Wang Bu Liu Xing grams, arsenic.

The centipede, the pangolin, and the king are baked separately in the sand and then mashed into powder. Then in a large pot, boil the fresh peach leaves in water.

Directions: After cooling, scoop a spoonful or so of the paste, place it on toilet paper and stick it to the patient’s liver area.

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