What is good to eat for spleen deficiency? Chinese doctors recommend four health food therapy, the spleen and stomach is good, the blood is sufficient

What is good to eat for spleen deficiency? Chinese doctors recommend four health food therapy, the spleen and stomach is good, the blood is sufficient

Many people’s hands and feet will have cold symptoms, this is because people’s spleen deficiency, in ordinary times there will be cold hands and feet and indigestion symptoms, so what can improve this symptom we? The next four recipes to drive away spleen deficiency for you ……

Mushroom and beef soup

10 grams of shiitake mushrooms soaked, 30 grams of lean beef wrapped in flour first, the soup boiled into the shiitake mushrooms, then dial into the beef slices, while pointing the appropriate amount of MSG, salt, sesame oil, boiled. This medicinal dish treats spleen deficiency and has a toning function.

Stir-fried shredded tripe potatoes

Cooked tripe 50 grams of shredded beef, potatoes (potatoes) 80 grams, shredded with water to wash off the surface starch, oil pan hot add a little onion shreds and crushed garlic, then into the tripe shredded potatoes stir-fry, and point into the appropriate amount of beef broth and salt, MSG, potatoes shredded pill mature can be, home-cooked dishes for spleen deficiency is still a significant regulatory effect, after all, the usual eating habits are reflected in home-cooked dishes.

Japonica rice porridge

50 grams of round-grained rice and 10 grams of raisins. Boil round-grained rice to ninety percent first with an appropriate amount of water, add raisins and simmer together until thin. Japonica rice is certainly a must for patients with spleen deficiency, eat the right amount daily.

Lentil stuffed buns

Two fresh lentils, one chicken, chopped and mixed with salt, monosodium glutamate, fresh ginger juice and pepper water for the filling, wheat flour for the skin, pinched into buns, placed in a cage, steam for 20 minutes, lentil buns are not everyone’s cup of tea, but women with spleen deficiency better consider it!

Original article by admin, if reproduced, please cite the source as: https://www.tcmha.com/tcmhealthcare/what-is-good-to-eat-for-spleen-deficiency-chinese-doctors-recommend-four-health-food-therapy-the-spleen-and-stomach-is-good-the-blood-is-sufficient.html

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