Chinese medicine experts tell you: what is phlegm and dampness?

Chinese medicine experts tell you: what is phlegm and dampness?

What exactly is phlegm and dampness?

Phlegm is a concept in Chinese medicine, and “phlegm” is divided into tangible phlegm and invisible phlegm, while tangible phlegm can be understood as coughing phlegm, while Chinese medicine usually refers to invisible phlegm.

Dr. Yang Zhong, chief physician (Beijing Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Capital Medical University) said: 70% of the human body is water, in Chinese medicine is called fluid, it can transport nutrients to various parts of the body, and at the same time can transport the body’s waste out of the body material, if the fluid does not run properly, the first will form wet, when wet can not be well transported, and then transpired into the fluid will form phlegm, so the essence of phlegm wet is fluid The essence of phlegm and dampness is part of the fluid, only it is in a pathological state out.

Characteristics of phlegm and dampness: phlegm and dampness is a whole body condition. It is difficult to remove after it is formed in the body, and malignant lesions may occur after it exists in the body for a long time, and phlegm-dampness is closely related to the development of tumors.

People with phlegm-damp constitution are prone to gastrointestinal tumors, intestinal cancer, lymphoma and brain tumors.

How to distinguish phlegm-damp body type?

Director Yang shared the three main characteristics of phlegm-damp body, come and see, it is better for everyone to have none~

1, Look at obesity

Normal people’s fat abdomen will not have the feeling of distension and fullness, and there is no obvious discomfort.

Phlegm damp body fat performance for the abdomen fat and flabby, feeling particularly heavy body.

2, look at the stool

Phlegm and dampness of the body’s stool is often sticky.

3, look at the tongue

People with phlegm-damp system usually have a thick and greasy tongue and feel bitter in the mouth.

How to prevent the formation of phlegm and dampness?

These are the main habits that can cause the formation of phlegm and dampness.

1, love to eat cold food: long-term eating cold drinks hurt the spleen and stomach, mainly injuring the spleen Yang, the spleen’s function is weak, the flow of fluids appear obstacles to the formation of phlegm and dampness.

2, love of sedentary: moving is rising Yang, people need to move the normal operation of Qi and blood, sedentary will hurt the spleen Yang, resulting in phlegm dampness.

3, alcoholism: wine in medicine belongs to the thick taste, fatty sweet thick taste most hurt the spleen Yang, long-term alcoholism will cause weakness of the spleen Yang, fluid disorders, phlegm dampness.

4, always eat fatty meat: always eat fatty meat, hurt the spleen Yang, over time, the emergence of phlegm damp body.

When we know the causes of phlegm dampness, of course, we also know how to prevent phlegm dampness ~

To ensure that sleep, adhere to the exercise, diet list, do these three points can effectively prevent phlegm damp, of course, a good, happy state of mind is also indispensable, after all, happy to rise Yang, Yang sufficient to help dissolve phlegm damp.

The body’s yang, and the sun in the sky is the same, if our own yang is sufficient, even if there is dampness, can evaporate it. If we do not have enough yang in our body, the dampness will diffuse like a fog and cannot be transported away and excreted.

Moxibustion, on the other hand, has a good effect of replenishing yang and dispelling dampness. Moxibustion of the following commonly used points can be a good way to dispel dampness.

Acupuncture points: Zhongyu, Guan Yuan, Foot San Li, Feng Long, Yin Ling Quan

Method: Moxibustion with ginger for 5 strokes each on the Zhongyu and Guan Yuan points; 3 strokes on each of the Foot Sanli, Yinlingquan and Fenglong points.

Moxibustion for 3 days with one day off.

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