All diseases are caused by phlegm? According to the phlegm blockage area to resolve phlegm!

From the perspective of traditional Chinese medicine, phlegm is the source of all diseases, and phlegm blockage in different parts of the body induces different diseases, and the methods to resolve phlegm are very different.

All diseases are caused by phlegm? According to the phlegm blockage area to resolve phlegm!

The nature and color of phlegm varies, such as thick, thin, white, yellow and foamy phlegm, and blood in phlegm. From the perspective of traditional Chinese medicine, phlegm is the source of all diseases, and phlegm blockage in different parts of the body induces different diseases, and the methods to resolve phlegm are very different.

What parts of phlegm are easily blocked?

1, Liver

According to Chinese medicine, the liver is the master of emotions and activities, and bad emotions and frequent sulking can affect the ascension of liver qi, causing phlegm and qi to intermingle together, thus damaging the liver. Symptoms of phlegm stagnation in the liver are a distinct swelling and pain in the chest, always feeling something in the throat but unable to spit it out and swallow it, often getting angry over trivial matters, bad mood, etc. The principle of treatment in this case is to de-stagnate the liver and recommend 2 kinds of tonics, including Si Qi Tang and Han Xia Hou Pu Tang.

2, Lung

Most respiratory diseases are mainly characterized by cough and phlegm, especially chronic pharyngitis, chronic bronchitis, but also bronchial asthma and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. If the expulsion of phlegm is obstructed, then it will accumulate in the lungs and make the lung disease worse. The principle of traditional Chinese medicine is to relax the lung qi, which will harmonize the lung qi and ensure the smooth discharge of phlegm. If the amount of phlegm is relatively large and accompanied by white and greasy tongue coating, the principle of regulation is to dry dampness and resolve phlegm, which can be improved by drinking San Zi Nourishing Parental Soup or Er Chen Tang.

3, Meridians

The main function of meridians is to maintain the flow of qi and blood throughout the body and connect various tissues and organs. The flow of phlegm can block the meridians and affect the flow of qi and blood, thus causing a series of diseases, such as numbness in the hands and feet, restricted movement of the limbs, headache and dizziness, etc. In this case, the principle of treatment is to dissolve phlegm and open the meridians.

4, Heart

Phlegm follows the flow of qi and meridians, which easily affects the heart and disturbs the activities of the mind. If phlegm fire disturbs the heart, the main manifestation is restlessness, poor sleep quality and easy dreaming, etc. The principle of treatment is to clear heat and resolve phlegm to calm the mind, and Huanglian Wenzhao Tang is recommended; if phlegm clouding the heart, the main manifestation is unclear consciousness, the principle of treatment is to resolve phlegm and open the mind, and Angong Niuhuang Pill can be taken under the guidance of Chinese medicine practitioners.

Warm Tips

In order to avoid being troubled by phlegm and stagnation, it is also necessary to do a good job of life conditioning, increase or reduce clothes according to the weather changes, and prevent from cold, because external wind and cold can hinder the function of qi-chemistry and easily produce phlegm. Maintain an optimistic attitude towards life, do more things that interest you to divert your attention, and do not sulk. Water can transform phlegm, so you should drink more water, eat more fresh vegetables and grains and cereals, and eat less phlegm-prone foods such as fatty, sweet, greasy and high sugar content. Excessive physical exertion and deficiency of the spleen and kidneys can hinder normal functions and affect the transport of water and grain, thus producing phlegm, so attention should be paid to the combination of work and rest, and insist on exercise to improve resistance.

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