Tonifying kidney, promoting blood circulation, laxative…… Eat garlic like this to nourish the liver and qi!

For those who drink, make garlic wine with garlic, for those who don’t like wine, use honey to soak garlic, two or three cloves a day, to insist, to 80 years old blood vessels are clean, and liver and kidneys like 30 young!

Tonifying kidney, promoting blood circulation, laxative…… Eat garlic like this to nourish the liver and qi!

When you reach middle age, you suddenly find that your strength is not as strong as it used to be, your hair is starting to go grey, and now and then you feel chills in your limbs, your back is sore and your ears are ringing, you are very drowsy, and you have started to get constipated …… All these symptoms point to two problems: lack of liver and kidney qi! How to make up for it?

Garlic plus one thing, a great tonic for the liver and kidneys

Garlic wine invigorates the kidney, promotes blood circulation, and defecates

Ingredients: 5000ml white wine, 500g peach kernel, 500g tempeh, 1000g garlic.

Directions: Slice the garlic, break the peach kernel into 2-3 cloves, and wash them in warm water. Then pour the prepared garlic, peach kernels, and tempeh into white or yellow wine and soak for a week to half a month.

Note: the garlic must be sliced or beaten into a garlic paste, and the peach kernels should also be broken up so that they can be easily absorbed; the tempeh is black beans, black for the kidneys. Choose a high level of white or yellow wine, not wine or beer, and set aside for at least seven days after sealing before opening.

Efficacy: This recipe is effective in invigorating the blood, aiding digestion, and laxative, promoting the body’s metabolism, and strengthening resistance and immunity.

Recipe explanation

Peach kernel: has two main functions, one is to invigorate the blood and the second is to cure constipation.

Edamame: It helps digestion, promotes one’s metabolism, and strengthens one’s resistance and immunity.

Garlic: it has a very good effect, it is antiseptic, strengthens resistance and immunity, and is even anti-cancer, it contains a kind of allicin.

Putting these three together in a medicinal wine has two benefits.

It strengthens the tonic effect of these three things. Because these active ingredients have to be dissolved in alcohol, that is, in wine, it can be more effective.
After the wine is made, it is preserved. Its main effects are to treat kidney deficiency in the elderly, strengthen resistance, and enhance immunity.

But some people do not like to drink wine.

Don’t worry, here is another recipe: honey-soaked garlic.

Almost everyone knows about vinegar-soaked garlic, but not many have tried honey-soaked garlic. But vinegar hurts the stomach after all, and people with weak stomachs shouldn’t eat much of it. Honey-soaked garlic is a good solution to this problem.

Honey-soaked garlic unblocks blood vessels, nourishes the liver, and protects the organs

Method:Heat the garlic in the microwave for 1 to 2 minutes, or scald it in boiling water for about 5 minutes, and then soak it in honey for about 1 week before serving.
Before pouring in the honey, you can soak the garlic in about 30% salted water for a while, fish it out and drain it before putting it into the honey for better results.

This will remove the garlic odor and also remove the astringent taste of the garlic and it will taste better. To serve, dilute the honey with water and drink it, or add an appropriate amount of lemon juice.

Principle: Garlic is a pungent and stimulating food, while honey has the properties of strengthening the spleen, harmonizing the stomach, and nourishing the yin. Combined with the nutrients of garlic, it enhances the function of the liver. Therefore, eating honey-soaked garlic can make up for the disadvantages of garlic hurting yin and also better protect the stomach mucosa.

Reminder: The best time to consume honey-soaked garlic is after dinner, as the nutrients are effectively absorbed during sleep and it also reduces the stimulation of garlic on the stomach.

Warm tips

Normal people can only eat a maximum of 2 to 3 cloves per day, and those with a poor stomach can only eat about 1/2 clove per day, too much can easily cause symptoms such as stomach pain or diarrhea.

For those who drink, make garlic wine with garlic, for those who don’t like wine, use honey to soak garlic, two or three cloves a day, to insist, to 80 years old blood vessels are clean, and liver and kidneys like 30 young!

From today onwards, don’t just know about vinegar-soaked garlic, show it to people around you, pass on health, pass on warmth, and let more people benefit~

Original article by admin, if reproduced, please cite the source as:

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