Liver qi stagnation is easy to hurt the liver, How to calm liver fire in summer?

You should also pay attention to ensure sufficient sleep and try not to stay up late. 11 pm to 3 am is the time when the blood flows through the liver, so it is better to let the body in a resting state, so that the metabolism and repair of the liver can be smoother.

Liver qi stagnation is easy to hurt the liver, How to calm liver fire in summer?

The seven emotions of the human body, “happiness, anger, sadness, pity, fear and panic”, correspond to different internal organs: too much anger hurts the liver, too much happiness hurts the heart, too much thought hurts the spleen, too much sadness hurts the lungs, too much fear hurts the kidneys.

In summer, when Yang Qi is at its peak, it is easy to become irritable and people seem to be more angry, but if you are overly angry, or if you are angry for a long time, it will easily lead to Qi rebellion, liver fire, or liver loss of drainage, liver Qi stagnation, which can be reflected to the body, such as dry mouth, irritability, depression and insomnia, breast pain and other discomfort.

Therefore, we should learn to maintain a stable mood in the daily life, do not encounter a little thing, it will be a big fire, if you really can not help but angry, you can also try to find some ways to relieve a little, such as find someone to talk about, or appropriate exercise, such as jogging, cycling, playing badminton, basketball, rope skipping, yoga, tai chi, or listen to calming music, singing, travel, etc., are to relieve the bad mood It is a good way to relieve the bad mood. You should also pay attention to ensure sufficient sleep and try not to stay up late. 11 pm to 3 am is the time when the blood flows through the liver, so it is better to let the body in a resting state, so that the metabolism and repair of the liver can be smoother.

In terms of diet, you can eat more foods that calm the liver and lower the rebellion, dredge the liver, clear the heart and calm the mind, such as tomatoes, celery, lilies, wheat, buckwheat, Buddha’s hand, pork belly, pork cross tongue, kelp, peas, kumquats, silver ears, chrysanthemums, roses and so on. For some easy to fire food, such as spicy, fried, barbecue, or sweet hot food, such as cinnamon, lychee, pineapple, lamb, etc., in the period of liver fire is recommended to eat less, so as not to aggravate the liver fire.

Recommended medication

1, rose red dates drink: 8-10 dried roses, wheat 30 grams, red dates 5, boil water or boiling water to drink.

2, chicken bone herb pig tongue soup: chicken bone herb about 20 grams, 15 grams of lotus seeds, a pig tongue, the amount of pork, 2 dates, 3 slices of ginger, all washed, meat slices boil water and fished up, and other ingredients into the soup pot boil 1-1.5 hours, seasoning to eat

In addition, “the heart is moved by the spleen”, there are some friends may be too much thought easily damage the spleen, especially some engaged in the brain workers, or some for someone or something too much thought attached to people. The “overthinking hurts the spleen” can be reflected in the body as a lack of color, less breath and lazy speech, sweating and fatigue, abdominal distension, loose stools, and so on. This group of people should pay attention to the combination of work and rest, in the diet more use to strengthen the spleen and benefit the qi, nourish the blood and calm the mind ingredients, such as chicken, beef, carp, mushrooms, cinnamon, grapes, yam, gorgonzola, ginseng, astragalus, etc., and can also eat more walnuts, pine nuts and other nuts food.

Medicinal food recommendation

1, pine nuts gravy carp soup: carp 500 grams, pine nuts 20 grams, gravy 30 grams, 5 dates, 3 slices of ginger, carp washed inside and out, marinated with salt and a little wine for 5 minutes and then rinsed, add the rest of the cleaned ingredients into the pot, boil over high heat to remove the foam, change to low heat and cook for 1 hour, seasoning to eat.

2, spleen chicken soup: 15 grams of ginseng, 20 grams of astragalus, 6 cinnamon, 8 jujubes, 1000 grams of chicken, all the ingredients washed, chicken cut into pieces boiled water and fished out, put into the stew pot with the herbs, slow stew for 2 hours, add salt to taste.

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