What should I pay attention to when treating cancer in Chinese medicine? Keep in mind these 4 principles!

Chinese medicine is a good choice for cancer treatment, but we should also pay attention when choosing the method.

What should I pay attention to when treating cancer in Chinese medicine? Keep in mind these 4 principles!

Cancer is a serious disease, and it is very difficult to treat, and the severity of cancer varies. Most people choose western medical treatment for cancer first. Western medical treatment usually includes chemotherapy and surgery, but these methods are not suitable for all cancer patients. However, for patients with milder disease, they can consider taking drugs for conservative treatment, and they can choose the treatment method combining Chinese and Western medicine.

So what should be noted in Chinese medicine for cancer treatment?

1, Medication for symptoms

Chinese medicine often believes that the external manifestation of disease is usually the reaction of internal organ lesions, and cancer is no exception. Therefore, the treatment of cancer also starts from regulating the internal organs, but before treatment, we must choose the medicine according to our own symptoms, so that the development of the disease can be controlled only after relieving the most basic symptoms.

2, Control the dosage of medicine

Many cancer patients are psychologically anxious and concerned about the development of the disease. Some patients even think that the disease transformation is slow, so they will think of increasing the dosage of medicine just to see the effect of the medicine, but such a practice is very incorrect. The combination of Chinese medicine is also very careful, increasing the amount of medicine will not only increase the burden on the body, but also affect the effect of the drug, further triggering other diseases.

3, Don’t treat blindly

No matter what kind of disease, you should choose reasonable and effective methods for treatment, especially for cancer, do not choose some treatment methods blindly, but choose reasonable methods according to your symptoms and severity of the disease. For patients undergoing chemotherapy and surgery, they can choose some Chinese medicine methods to reduce the side effects, so as to alleviate the pain caused by chemotherapy and surgery.

4, Don’t take drugs indiscriminately

Many drugs in Chinese medicine have the function of tonifying qi and blood, and these drugs can restore the health of patients to a certain extent and help them adjust their bodies. But for cancer patients, you should not apply tonic drugs blindly. For some patients who have undergone surgery, they should also be careful not to use large tonic drugs, because some of these drugs are too warm in tonicity, and excessive tonicity will add to the patient’s burden.

Chinese medicine is a good choice for cancer treatment, but we should also pay attention when choosing the method. Although Chinese medicine treatment method will not have great side effects on the body, if the method is not chosen correctly, it will not only fail to achieve the expected treatment effect, but also aggravate the burden of the body.

Original article by admin, if reproduced, please cite the source as: https://www.tcmha.com/tcmhealthcare/what-should-i-pay-attention-to-when-treating-cancer-in-chinese-medicine-keep-in-mind-these-4-principles.html

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