Chinese medicine tells you how to do insomnia

Chinese medicine tells you how to do insomnia

Insomnia seems to have become a common problem for modern people, who have time to go to bed early, but cannot sleep in bed. Or the quality of sleep is very low, easy to wake up at night, the impact of all these situations is poor mental condition during the day, work and study efficiency. Long-term insomnia is not only a serious threat to one’s physical health, but also brings great mental disturbance to the insomniac. So how do we treat insomnia? Let me take you from the perspective of Chinese medicine to understand insomnia! Chinese medicine refers to insomnia as “sleeplessness” and “not being able to sleep”. According to the different causes, symptoms and pathogenesis of insomnia in Chinese medicine, insomnia is grouped into four categories.

1. Deficiency of Yin and Blood

Causes: Yin and blood deficiency is mostly due to prolonged illness and overwork, or excessive blood loss in women during childbirth, which leads to the loss of fluid and yin in the body, loss of nourishment for the tendons and veins, and internal movement of liver and wind due to blood deficiency, resulting in the symptoms of insomnia.

Symptoms: People with Yin and Blood deficiency tend to be forgetful, have palpitations and twitching of the limbs; Yin deficiency leads to night sweating and restlessness; in addition, because Blood deficiency cannot nourish the face, the face has a lusterless and yellowish appearance.

Treatment: People with deficiency of Yin and Blood should mainly nourish Yin and Blood. Agaricus, Radix Rehmanniae, Radix Angelicae Sinensis, Medlar and Fructus Lycii are all good medicines to nourish Yin and Blood.

2. Heart Fire

Causes: This type of people are mostly due to depression and fire, or excessive consumption of spicy and stimulating food, long depression into fire, fire and heat invasion of evil, resulting in imbalance of the heart’s yin and Yang. This is because the heart is the master of blood and is in charge of one’s mental activities.

The imbalance of the heart’s yin and yang leads to the upward movement of blood heat, and the person’s mind is disturbed by heart fire, resulting in the symptoms of insomnia.

Symptoms: In addition to the symptoms of insomnia, incandescent heart fire is accompanied by symptoms such as irritability of the heart, dry mouth, red tongue, red tongue tip and thin white tongue coating. In addition, a person with an inflamed heart fire can easily feel angry and depressed.

Treatment: It is recommended that people with strong heart fire eat less fatty, sweet, greasy and spicy stimulants, and eat more foods that clear the heart fire. Among the “five tastes”, bitterness enters the heart, so you can eat more food with bitterness and clear fire, such as bitter melon, almonds, bitter tea, kale, etc.

3. liver qi stagnation

Causes: Liver qi stagnation is mostly caused by the loss of drainage of the liver. Among the five organs, the liver is the master of draining, which is related to the smooth flow of qi throughout the body. When the liver loses its draining, the qi will be depressed and the person’s emotions will be depressed, which will lead to insomnia.

Symptoms: Liver qi stagnation not only leads to depression and insomnia in a person’s mood, but also to dysthymia, abdominal distension, chest tightness, and a tendency to sigh. In the long term, it can also lead to obesity, irregular menstruation in women, breast enlargement, and even breast cancer.

Treatment: Treatment should be based on the main principle of de-stressing the liver, learning to regulate their emotions, less anger and less depression. When the mood is relaxed, liver qi will not be stagnated. However, when the stagnation of liver qi has seriously affected your life, you can use some agents such as Easy Pill to regulate it.

4. heart and spleen deficiency

Causes: Heart and spleen deficiency refers to the coexistence of two symptoms: deficiency of heart blood and weakness of spleen qi. The spleen will be injured by uncontrolled diet, excessive thinking, exertion, and prolonged illness. Insufficient heart blood and lack of nourishment for the heart and mind can also cause insomnia.

Symptoms: People with heart and spleen deficiency show sleep disorders, in addition to difficulty in falling asleep, they also dream a lot and wake up easily. It is also accompanied by palpitations and forgetfulness, loss of appetite, tiredness and fatigue, bloating and loose stools, etc.

Treatment: People with heart and spleen deficiency should focus on strengthening the spleen and nourishing the heart, and can usually eat more red dates, millet, lily, longan, yam and other foods. If the heart and spleen deficiency can not be cured by dietary supplements and self-adjustment, you can take some Guixin Pill and Pai Zi Yang Xin Pill.

Knowing the cause of insomnia, you have to prescribe the right medicine.

In daily life, the following good habits can also help you have quality sleep Oh!

1, sleep environment should be quiet, avoid drinking strong tea, coffee before bed.

2, do not stay up late, 11:00 p.m. to 3:00 a.m. is the best detoxification time of the liver and gallbladder, need to sleep well, develop good sleep habits.

3, before going to bed, you can fold your hands on the small of your back, using abdominal breathing, shift your attention to the small of your back, can be combined with silent counting to speed up sleep.

4, before going to bed, you can bubble feet with hot water, to a little sweat on the forehead is good, can promote blood circulation, improve the quality of sleep.

5, anger and joy in moderation, to lift the anxiety, keep the spirit of relaxation.

6, appropriate exercise, such as practice taijiquan, yoga, running, swimming, etc.

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