Are you still taking Valium when you have insomnia? Why not try Chinese medicine to help you solve your insomnia problem!

For patients who do not sleep, in addition to improving the symptoms through some dietary therapy, you also need to pay attention to keep your mind relaxed, do not pay too much attention to their sleep. And before going to bed, avoid drinking strong tea, wine and coffee and other beverages that will make the nerves excited.

Are you still taking Valium when you have insomnia? Why not try Chinese medicine to help you solve your insomnia problem!

Insomnia is also called sleeplessness in Chinese medicine. Everyone desires a good night’s sleep, but many people are still plagued by sleep disorders. Chronic sleep deprivation is a very serious problem, which may be difficult to fall asleep or wake up easily in mild cases, or even sleepless nights in severe cases, which may have an impact on life expectancy. In terms of treatment, some sleep-aiding drugs in Western medicine tend to make people dependent, but Chinese medicine is very advantageous in treating sleeplessness with evidence-based treatment.

So how to treat insomnia from the perspective of Chinese medicine?

1, Yin deficiency and fire type sleeplessness

Yin deficiency and fire is a very common factor causing sleeplessness, because during sleep, one should be in a state of yin and yang, but when yin is insufficient, yang will be relatively strong, thus generating deficiency heat to disturb the mind and soul. The main manifestation is the inability to sleep normally along with the disturbance of the heart, headache and brain swelling, dry mouth, tinnitus and deafness, dry eyes and other signs of yin deficiency and fire. If you want to relieve this phenomenon, you can boil soup with lilies and add eggs to it, then add a little sugar to taste.

2, Phlegm and fire disturbance type sleeplessness

Phlegm and fire are mostly seen in the obese or damp people, phlegm and dampness accumulate in the body for a long time will be depressed and fire, which disturbs the mind and leads to sleeplessness. Mostly manifested as sleeplessness, head heavy as a wrap, chest tightness and chest pain, poor appetite, bitter mouth and sticky mouth, etc.. If you want to prevent this type of insomnia must pay attention to the diet, eat less greasy and indigestible food, this fatty sweet and thick taste will accumulate in the body into phlegm and dampness. Weekdays when boiling porridge may add some barley or poria to facilitate water to strengthen the spleen and phlegm.

3, Liver depression and fire type sleeplessness

Now people will encounter pressure from various aspects of life, if not reasonable and effective catharsis will often cause liver depression, liver depression into fire is also one of the causes of sleeplessness, most patients have varying degrees of mental abnormalities, such as impatience and irritability, little speech, etc., if long-term lack of adequate sleep will aggravate these performances. The “Easy Pill” is a proprietary Chinese medicine that can effectively detoxify the liver and relieve depression, and people with liver depression and fire can also use chrysanthemum and Xia Gu Cao to make tea, which can also play a role in clearing the liver and lowering the fire at the same time.

4, Insomnia of the heart and spleen deficiency type

Some people who are weak in body, the spleen’s transport function is not normal, the heart and soul can not be moistened for a long time will also appear sleepless, may be accompanied by dreamy, pale face, fatigue, panic and shortness of breath and other symptoms, so such patients in the tranquilization of the heart and spleen at the same time also pay attention to the benefit of the heart and spleen, pig heart for the heart and soul of the abnormal very helpful, in the stew of pig heart at the same time, you can add some ginseng and longan meat to The effect can be aided by the addition of Chinese ginseng and longan meat.

For patients who do not sleep, in addition to improving the symptoms through some dietary therapy, you also need to pay attention to keep your mind relaxed, do not pay too much attention to their sleep. And before going to bed, avoid drinking strong tea, wine and coffee and other beverages that will make the nerves excited.

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