Traditional Chinese Medicine Ha

Perennial old stomach problems, Chinese herbal medicine to regulate!

Many people often have stomach discomfort, stomach pain when they don’t eat on time, bloating or heartburn when they eat something, occasional reflux symptoms, and discomfort before going to bed. For these symptoms, many people are used to it and think it’s nothing.

But in fact, this is a distress signal from the stomach. Now is the three nine severe winter, cold is a predisposing factor for gastric disease, how to protect the spleen and stomach in this season, but there is a lot of learning.

Chronic gastric disease is prone to cancer if not treated in time

The so-called “old gastric disease”, including chronic gastritis, functional dyspepsia, peptic ulcer, chronic atrophic gastritis, etc., the main clinical symptoms are cold pain in the stomach and epigastrium, pain reduction with food, aggravated by cold, reduced diet, erratic, acidity, dry stools, etc., the incidence is high, delayed and difficult to cure.

The onset of “old stomach disease” has obvious seasonality, aggravated in autumn and winter, and reduced in spring and summer.

Among chronic gastric diseases, chronic atrophic gastritis in particular has a high incidence and is very difficult to treat. Chronic atrophic gastritis is a pathological change in which the mucosal intrinsic glands atrophy or even disappear and the mucosal muscle layer thickens after repeated damage to the gastric mucosal surface.

Clinically, chronic atrophic gastritis is mostly transformed from chronic superficial gastritis failure or misdiagnosis, and in a few cases, gastric cancer can be formed due to the aggravation of the disease. Compared with other cancers, the survival rate of gastric cancer can reach more than 90% if gastric lesions can be detected early.

Therefore, it is important to have regular checkups for the stomach, especially for the following conditions.

Men over 40 years old, who account for more than 96% of the total number of gastric cancer patients over 40 years old, and men are more than twice as likely to develop gastric cancer as women

Heavy eaters, especially those who are used to eating high-salt, pickled and smoked foods.

People with stomach diseases, such as those who have been infected with Helicobacter pylori, had stomach surgery, or have pre-cancerous stomach diseases (e.g. chronic atrophic gastritis, gastric ulcer, gastric polyps)

Chinese medicine is effective in treating “old gastric disease”

According to Chinese medicine, poor diet, fatigue and emotional discomfort are the main causes of stomach problems.

According to each person’s body condition, according to the principle of Chinese medicine, the five organs and six internal organs are in harmony with each other, Chinese medicine regulates stomach disease to lower the rebellious, through the pain, strengthen the spleen to reduce bloating, and has many advantages.

First, Chinese medicine will not cause bacteria to develop resistance, and the human body will not become dependent on Chinese medicine.

Second, Chinese medicine is based on natural, avoiding the toxic side effects of chemical drugs, and is safe to take.

Thirdly, Chinese medicine not only focuses on the “treatment” of stomach diseases, but also has a regulating effect.

For a variety of stomach diseases, and long-term recurrence of old stomach disease patients, is a good choice.

It is important to take care of your stomach and intestines near the winter months

Keep your abdomen warm

Most of the recurrence of gastritis in winter is related to the low temperature, so it is very important to keep the stomach warm. It is advisable to wear clothes that are not open, and to sleep with a good blanket to prevent your abdomen from getting cold at night.

Chew carefully and swallow slowly

Diet is especially crucial to the recovery and conditioning of gastric diseases. Don’t gobble up your meals, but chew and swallow slowly so that saliva and food are fully integrated, so that what you eat is easier to digest and does not damage the gastric mucosa.

Diet hygiene

Avoid eating unhygienic food, it is best to share meals, not to share dishes with others, and not to give the opportunity for bacteria and viruses to invade the body, such as H. pylori infection.

Emotional happiness

The stomach and intestines are the organs that can’t withstand the roller coaster of moods, and when mood swings are evident, it can lead to nervous system disorders. Therefore, “old stomach disease” patients should pay attention to emotional management, daily to maintain a positive and optimistic state of mind.

Do not overwork

Whether it is physical or mental labor, you should not overwork, otherwise it will cause insufficient blood supply to the digestive organs, leading to gastrointestinal diseases.

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