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In addition to Calcium, Potassium is Another Essential Element for the Elderly – Adequate Supplementation Reduces Diseases

We are all aware that as people age, various bodily functions decline, and essential elements are gradually lost without our awareness. Negligence in daily life can trigger a series of diseases, often attributed to calcium deficiency, leading many to excessively supplement calcium without significant results. However, when the body encounters issues, it may not just be a lack of calcium but could also be due to a deficiency in potassium.

Potassium, as a vital element alongside calcium, holds equal if not more importance. Potassium not only prevents the loss of calcium from the body but also plays a preventive role in certain chronic diseases such as hypertension, contributing to blood pressure regulation. A deficiency in potassium may manifest in various symptoms.

Symptoms of Potassium Deficiency:

  1. Fatigue:
    The most common symptom of potassium deficiency is fatigue. The lack of potassium prevents organs and cells from efficiently maintaining the body’s vitality, resulting in fatigue.
  2. Mental and Cognitive Impairments:
    Potassium deficiency may lead to a decline in mental alertness, overall weakness, confusion, and, in severe cases, hallucinations, possibly contributing to the onset of depression.
  3. Muscle Issues:
    Potassium deficiency hampers muscle excitability, disrupting normal contraction and relaxation activities. Muscle cramps, particularly in the legs, become common, often mistaken for calcium deficiency.
  4. Digestive Problems:
    Inadequate potassium levels hinder intestinal peristalsis, leading to decreased digestive function. Prolonged deficiency can cause constipation, loss of appetite, and vomiting.
  5. Cardiac Impact:
    Potassium deficiency can adversely affect the heart, resulting in abnormal heartbeats, dizziness, fainting, and, in severe cases, ventricular fibrillation.

Furthermore, potassium deficiency can impact mental health, causing restlessness, confusion, and other neurological issues.

Groups that Also Require Potassium Supplementation:

  1. Hypertensive Individuals:
    Potassium supplementation is crucial for those with hypertension. Similar to the importance of limiting sodium intake, potassium helps maintain vascular smoothness, reducing blood pressure and preventing cardiovascular diseases. It is essential for hypertensive individuals taking antihypertensive medications to maintain optimal potassium levels between 3.5-5.5mmol/L.
  2. Those Prone to Vomiting or Diarrhea:
    Conditions like frequent vomiting or diarrhea result in potassium loss. Timely medical examination is necessary in such cases to avoid low potassium levels below 3.5mmol/L, leading to hypokalemia.
  3. Regular Medication Users:
    As people age, the likelihood of diseases increases, and medications become a common means to alleviate symptoms. Patients with conditions like heart disease or diabetes, especially those with diuretic medications, may experience significant potassium loss. It is essential to monitor and maintain potassium levels to prevent complications.
  4. Heavy Sweaters:
    Individuals who sweat excessively tend to lose a substantial amount of water and potassium through sweat, potentially causing potassium deficiency.

While potassium-rich foods are recommended for supplementation, such as bananas, taro, and sweet potatoes, it is crucial to maintain a balanced intake and consult with a doctor before considering potassium supplements. Excessive potassium intake can also be harmful, possibly causing symptoms like sensitivity to cold or nausea. Therefore, understanding the importance of potassium and adopting a balanced diet is crucial for overall health, especially for individuals aged 60 and above. Regular health check-ups and targeted supplementation based on individual needs are advisable to mitigate potential health risks effectively.

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